Mowing, tilling, preparing – it’s time to get out in the garden at last

Yes. As my celebrated colleague and grapevine botherer, Mr Dick Roberts put it yesterday in his blog, at last, the morning sun has some heat (at last). He’s right. This morning was pretty pleasant and we can perhaps see the end of the freezing temperatures that have tormented us like the Harpies in the Greek legend of Jason and his Argonauts, where they teased and taunted the blind king Phineas and stole his food every mealtime… a fate to which anyone who has ever had an elder brother or sister can relate.
The spring, it seems, is finally buying its season ticket to the UK on its sightseeing tour of our gardens. But are we ready? Are we bumblebee! We are still wrapping up warm and hiding in our thermostat controlled havens, watching boxed sets of American dramas and enjoying other people skiing, running, and hurling themselves across football pitches at high speed. Well never mind all the sport on TV. So what the Winter Olympics were thrilling. Who cares about the athletics or the champions league? Let’s get out into our gardens and let’s get fit and fed with homemade veg. We shall not surrender, we shall not succumb. We shall grow courgettes as big as your arm. We shall grow them in the suburbs, we shall grow them in the country, we shall grow them in the towns. We have nothing to offer but mud, toil, tea and sweat….well, so much for my attempt at Churchill. Let’s face it, Gary Oldman did a better job and he got the award he deserved. An OSCAR for Gary at last. Nice one son.
Anyway, if you do want to get digging for victory, here, in our knowledge base MowHow, is an article on how to start a vegetable garden from scratch. Take a look.
Mind you, before that you have to get your soil sorted out. no good trying to grow in the unprepared ground. So why not check out this short guide to cultivating and preparing your soil, another of our many articles on MowHow. Look here If you are going to prepare the soil by hand. And if you have a mechanical cultivator, tiller or rotavator, have a look here.
Of course, you may not have a tiller but might be thinking about purchasing one. If that is the case, these pages will give you all the backup information you need and on these pages, you can see our complete range of tillers and cultivators. In the meantime, you should take a look at our amazing Oleo-Mac Front Tine Tiller, an amazing bargain and the perfect machine to help you prep your flower beds, veg plots or allotment. And at only £399 including free delivery, it’s a real bargain.
And here is our page of tiller and cultivator best buys.
Plus, your lawn definitely going to be needing some TLC soon, as well as a proper mow. So let me re-iterate what Dick said yesterday. The future is looking decidedly battery powered and Dick’s recommendation to take a look at the Redback range of mowers is up there with the best idea since some baker accidentally cut up his loaf in a fit of temper.
MowDirect supplies the UK’s widest range of cordless battery lawnmowers around but the redback range is really quite special. As recent customers have said…
‘An Excellent, Well-Engineered Machine‘, ‘…very impressed. Ten out of ten and would definitely recommend it.’, ‘really thrilled.’ and ‘I have always been a bit
sceptical about battery powered tools but how things have changed. Batteries have come a long way. This is a very efficient lawn mower it feels solid and cuts very well. I have used it twice on a reasonable sized garden and the battery is still over half-charged it makes mowing a breeze.’
So well worth a visit to the Redback mower pages. Check out the rest of the Redback range here and don’t forget ONE BATTERY FITS ALL.
So come on. do a simple pre-gardening warm up
Pop on some warm clothes (it’s not mid-summer yet) and make a flask of tea and let’s get going, the growing starts here. Oh, and P.S. if you need any help and advice on gardening equipment from our friendly and helpful product advising team, just call on 0345 4588 905 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri & 10am-4pm Sat). Whatever you need, from a mower to a tiller, they will give you honest, impartial advice…
‘…extremely helpful and knowledgeable…no pressure to make a purchase, just good honest advice. I would definitely use them again…They were not pushy. They advised me on the best mower appropriate for my circumstances and not the most expensive. I cannot fault them in any way.’ (THE REVIEW CENTRE)
Enjoy your garden Drew Hardy