Borders, Veg Plots & Allotments
Borders, Veg Plots & Allotments

May the Fruit & Veg Be with You: A Garden-Party Guide for King Charles III’s Coronation
Introduction On the 6th of May 2023, Charles III will be crowned King of the UK and 14 Commonwealth Realms at Westminster Abbey in London; a hugely significant event for the country. To celebrate the occasion, many UK residents will host street parties and back-garden get-togethers. If you’re a homeowner with a substantial outdoor space, […]

Chainsaws: Preventing Injury During the Post-Storm Tidy
With low-pressure system after low-pressure system sweeping the country and causing widespread wind-based havoc recently, many of us have suffered serious damage to our outdoor spaces, and are faced with fallen trees, flattened fences and branch-strewn lawns. Hence, the autumn clear-up is well underway! Here at MowDirect, we want to help to ensure garden machinery […]

Garden101: The Importance of Winter Soil-Enrichment
With autumn now finally here and the days drawing in, there’s less and less to do in the garden or on the allotment. Most crops and plants have been harvested, and flowers are fading after their stunning summer display. Grounds are starting to look bare, with soil being exposed to the cold air and seasonal […]

Our Top Autumn Tiller Deal!
As my regular reader will know, (hello, Mum!) I usually start my blogs with some witty story or social comment, appertaining to the subject only in a lateral sense, rambling on with the occasional ‘bon mot’, eventually getting to my actual purpose – to tell you about our fantastic deals. Not this time. (See what […]

Grow Your Own Veg – It Tastes So Much Better!
Nothing beats the taste of fresh home-grown vegetables! If you don’t have your own plot, now’s the time to start preparing one; if you do have one, now’s the time to get it ready for cold-weather crops, or to put it to bed for winter. In this MowBlog edition, we provide some basic soil-preparation advice, […]

Crop Rotation: Let’s plan to grow Vegetables!
While you might feel as though there is little to do in the garden itself around this time of year, overwinter and into January is an ideal time to plan ahead for the coming months when it comes to what you want to grow for your home vegetable garden. This particularly rings true when it […]

Mowing, tilling, preparing – it’s time to get out in the garden at last
Yes. As my celebrated colleague and grapevine botherer, Mr Dick Roberts put it yesterday in his blog, at last, the morning sun has some heat (at last). He’s right. This morning was pretty pleasant and we can perhaps see the end of the freezing temperatures that have tormented us like the Harpies in the Greek legend […]

Everything In The Garden Is Lovely…Well It Will Be Eventually. Get Out And Get Planning
I hope you like the main picture, which is (supposedly ) me sipping a hot drink in the garden. I don’t think it’s good enough and certainly not pretty or stylish enough to be me but the picture editor is officially an intransigent idiot and we have now fallen out, hence some facile images on […]

National Gardening Week. Come On, Get Involved.
It seems these days that every week is National or International something week. National Freedom Week, National Baked Beans Week, The International Week of Belly Button Fluff… OK, I made that one up, but you know what I mean. Well, at last there is a now week we can all get behind. National Gardening Week. Do I […]

April Showers. Pricey Flowers. Fawlty Towers.
So. As Holly pointed out in her usual ascerbic manner on Tuesday, we are now in Spring. This must be true because it’s raining and still a bit chilly. Oh, and there are showers. The famous April showers. At least that is normal. ‘April showers bring May flowers’ as the saying goes. Well good. I like flowers. […]