National Gardening Week. Come On, Get Involved.

It seems these days that every week is National or International something week. National Freedom Week, National Baked Beans Week, The International Week of Belly Button Fluff… OK, I made that one up, but you know what I mean. Well, at last there is a now week we can all get behind. National Gardening Week. Do I hear you say ‘YEAH’? All right!
We all love our gardens, whether we are serious lawn enthusiasts with classic lawns stripes like bowling greens, keen vegetable growers who know our onions and hand our surplus strawberries around in the pub or flower fanciers who are never happy without a marigold poking out of the soil.
So what a way to celebrate everything gardening related. National Gardening Week was started five years by, guess who? The RHS of course, and has grown into a joyful and fun celebration across the country.
There will be events running all week up and down this sceptre isle. All you have to do is organise an event, it could be a garden party, cooking with home grown vegetables, a flower auction, sponsored pruning, a ‘gnome in a wheelbarrow’ race (just thought of that one, I might do that myself) or a neighbourhood mini plant sale, whatever you want. Decide on your event, register it online with the National Gardening Week people and be part of a national community of keen green-thumbed flora fans.
I am personally supporting NGW with gusto (my Italian neighbour) and will be holding a digathon on Saturday up at my allotment, with lots of volunteers, where we will be raising money by keeping at least one spade in the soil for twenty-four hours. (and no it’s not a way of getting cheap labour, we are raising money for the plot). This will be followed on Sunday by a massive garden party and I shall be inviting Holly (she always brings the good wine) and various other mowDirect alumni will probably pop in and say hello.
So come on. Get involved, get digging, planting, pickling, pruning or just popping corks in your garden and be part of this celebration.
Visit here for more information
And get going soon! Festivities end on Sunday the 17th. Enjoy your garden. Drew Hardy