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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

A great garden doesn’t have to be expensive

Many people in Britain may have avoided overhauling their garden to create more green space because they are afraid it will cost them a lot of money to maintain each year.

However, this doesn't have to be the case at all, according to the Royal Horticultural Society's (RHS) shows organiser Bob Sweet.

He explained that a great garden need not cost the earth (pardon the pun) and insisted simple, inexpensive techniques and ideas can often look as good as those that have had hundreds of pounds spent on them.

Mr Sweet added that thanks to his work, he has had the pleasure of seeing many different types of garden over the years and has been frequently been impressed by the 'cheap and cheerful' versions.

However, while gardeners are not obliged to significantly reduce their bank balance to get their outdoor spaces looking good, the expert advised that people must be prepared to put in the necessary time to allow plants to thrive.

"You've got to stake them, you've got to water them [and] make sure the bugs don't get at them," Mr Sweet commented.

Investing in some good, basic garden equipment could prove worthwhile in the long run when creating your new garden, particularly as it may help to save time during short autumn and winter days.

For example, a lawn mower will be essential for keeping grass under control during the growing season, while cultivators and tillers will make light work of late weeding and turning soil over in preparation for spring planting.

Why not try a few clever and savvy ideas to help you stretch your gardening budget as far as possible? You could use old sinks and other items from scrapyards as inexpensive planters rather than buying garden centre versions, as well as making your own compost instead of having to buy bags.

Planting from seed is also a great way of getting more plants for your money – look for perennials so they will come back every year and consider the conditions of your garden to give them the best chance of thriving.

Autumn is the perfect time to start sowing, so give it a try and make a start on your cheap and cheerful garden ready for the spring.


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