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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Pondcare in December

Pondcare in December
    After having to defrost the car for the first time in 2014 this morning (December 3rd), it's probably time to accept that temperatures are starting to dip below freezing.

With that in mind, some gardeners' thoughts will naturally turn towards looking after their pond. While the freezing of these water features can look quite pretty – especially if you've followed some of the guidance in our recent blog on turning your garden into a winter wonderland – ice on your pond is bad news for any fish living in there.

So, how do you keep your fish from freezing and subsequently meeting an untimely end? One of the most straightforward solutions is to invest in a pond heater. These will make sure that at least a part of your pond's surface will stay ice-free, enabling oxygen to circulate and any harmful gases to escape.

However, if you don't want such a device, you still have options to make sure your pond inhabitants don't perish. Make sure any excess waste, like sludge and leaves, is removed, and give your filter system a clean. This will help to reduce the level of potentially poisonous gases that will remain in your pond if it does freeze over.

Secondly, if your pump sits deeper than half a metre in the water, take it out – cleaning it in the process – and store it in a bucket of water in your garage or shed. Keeping it in somewhere that's not going to experience frost will ensure the transfer of oxygen. 

Finally, if your pond does freeze over, don't break the ice! This is akin to tapping on the glass of a goldfish bowl – you shouldn't do it as it can create harmful shockwaves that can cause damage to your fish.

There's not an awful lot of work to do in this area, but that doesn't mean it's not essential. And you can rest assured that your fish (albeit probably in their own way) will thank you for your efforts.

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