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020 3026 8712

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  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

How to light up outdoor trees

How to light up outdoor trees
    Wrapping Christmas lights around your garden trees can add a great finishing touch to your home as the festive season gets underway.

However, just like when carrying out the same task on your indoor Christmas tree, it can be quite a frustrating job if you don't do it properly.

Here are some tips to help you on your way.

Taking measurements

First of all, some mathematics is required to ensure you actually have enough lighting to finish the job without having to run back to the store for more bulbs!

A simple equation to help you work this out is as follows: Divide the height of the trunk you're planning on covering by the length between each bulb on your string. After working this out, multiply that figure by circumference. 

Wrapping tree trunks

First, check that your lights actually work to ensure your next task isn't a waste of time!

After this, the easiest way to wrap your lights around the tree trunk is to have all the string together so it is effectively in a ball – this is so you don't get wires tangled or caught up with branches when it comes to actually doing the wrapping.

Starting at the bottom, wind the string around the trunk evenly – leaving extra space if you intend to wrap the string back down the trunk once you get to the top.

Wrapping branches

Lighting up branches is slightly more complicated – mainly because there will be a lot more of them! It's good practice to have a plan in place before you start wrapping your lights around – consider which branches will look good when illuminated, as you probably won't have enough to do them all.

You may benefit from having a helper at this point to give you their opinion on how the tree looks from a distance while you're working up close to it, as this will save you wrapping around a branch then taking a look for yourself, only to realise it doesn't appear quite as effective as you'd hoped.

The method you use for your branches should be similar to the trunk – wrapping them up and down before moving on to the next nearest branch you'd like to cover. Keep the wire as tight as you can so it looks nice and neat.

From a health and safety perspective, make sure that any extra strands you add on are thoroughly covered in electrical tape and don't overload your extension cables. Enjoy!

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