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  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

How to grow a holly bush

How to grow a holly bush
    They don't call it the bleak midwinter for nothing – and as far as your garden goes, the next few months are likely to leave it looking a little dreary.

However, one way to add a bit of colour to your outdoor space at this time of year is to incorporate a holly bush.

Female plants produce the traditional red berries, offering a splash of red to what are probably going to be otherwise grey and brown surroundings as your garden shuts down for the colder months, before bursting back to life again in spring.

The end of autumn is an ideal time to plant a holly bush, with cooler temperatures and an increase in rain levels creating great conditions for the plant to thrive. Choose a location that's well-drained and will receive as much sun as possible. However, if you can't tick these two boxes, there is still a chance your plant will flourish – most hollies are rather tolerant when it comes to their spot in the garden.

When it comes to the berries, make sure your female plant is either of a variety that doesn't need a male plant to germinate it, or there is a male plant nearby.

Take care of the bush just like you would for any other shrub; water it daily for the first week after planing and then twice a week for a month after that – although this might not be necessary given that rain is highly likely in December!

Once the holly is established, fertilise it once a year and prune it regularly. December is also a great time to do this, although you naturally won't be expected to do this straight after planting. That said, seek proper advice before pruning the bush, as you can do more harm than good if you don't know what you're doing.

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