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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Preparing for spring

Preparing for spring
    In March, we've seen the first hints of spring, with a let-up in the severe weather of previous months and some sunny spells hopefully heralding even brighter prospects ahead.

Earlier in the month, temperatures in the UK rose higher than those in Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Turkey.

They have dipped again since then, however, so maybe it's not worth getting the barbecue out just yet.

As April arrives, the traditional showers can be expected – but there'll hopefully be some cooler, sunnier days in which you'll have time to get started on the month's tasks.

Make sure you keep weeds under control in April. As the weather becomes warmer, they will start to grow again – and you'll need to take preemptive action to stop them in their tracks.

Annuals and the seedlings of perennials are likely to be the main problem, but they can be dealt with if you hoe regularly. If weeds are growing in vegetable patches, though, you might need to get your hands dirty.

There's still a chance of experiencing some late frosts, so make sure you take measures to protect any fruit blossom you may have. 

Horticultural fleece can be used to protect your plants on nights when frost is forecast – but make sure you remove it during the day so that pollinators have access.

Tie in climbing and rambling roses during April. If the main stems are slow to branch, tip-prune them to the first strong bud to encourage side shoots, otherwise leave them to fill the available space.

Now is the time to sow hardy annuals and herb seeds. You should level the soil with a rake and tread lightly before sowing.

Make sure you refer to the information on seed packets for the best time to sow and the appropriate depth for seed planting.

You should also feed citrus plants at this time. Use a summer feed high in nitrogen, which you should continue to use until late October – these are available from nurseries and garden centres.

Hungry shrubs and roses need to be fed. Sprinkle general-purpose or rose fertiliser around roses in spring at 70g per sq m and mulch with rotted organic matter immediately after adding fertiliser.

You should also sow lawns or repair any bare patches during April. Make sure you choose the right seed and prepare the seed bed adequately, eliminating any weeds and digging in well-rotted manure or other organic matter.

If you have fig trees, you should prune them now. For open-grown figs, remove any branches that spoil the shape, or which are crossing or damaged, along with any suckers appearing from the ground.

Bamboo and water-lilies need to be divided during April. Split clumps of bamboo apart with a mattock or axe, or lift smaller clumps and cut them in half with a saw.

Drier and brighter weather is expected in the west of the country over the next week or so, giving you time to get out and about in the garden – but frosts are likely.

In the east, cloudier skies are forecast and showers are anticipated – although brighter conditions could prevail towards the end of the first week of April.

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