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  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Seeding ‘provides the satisfaction of being self-sufficient’

There are many reasons that green-fingered Brits get enthusiastic about their work, not least of which is the sense of fulfilment that can be achieved from gardening.

Indeed, the Royal Horticultural Society recently claimed that planting the right strains of flower can even help to alleviate the winter blues.

This followed on from the launch of a campaign by celebrity gardener Rachel de Thame and mental health charity Mind last year, which was intended to raise awareness of how getting to work with the garden tools can improve anyone's mood.

Now, professional garden and landscape designer Dan Pearson is claiming that seeding is one particular task that can bring about a satisfying sense of being self-sufficient.

In an article for the Guardian, he said that seeds can come in all shapes and sizes – citing an example of a horse chestnut he saw earlier in the year that had seeds the size of oranges.

The expert added that different seeds require different levels of management – and this is particularly the case in the colder, winter months.

"Winter stratification is necessary for some seeds, which will simply go into a prolonged dormancy if they aren't exposed to the freeze, thaw, freeze and thaw between now and the spring," Mr Pearson remarked.

"To be truthful, my own seed storage is a haphazard affair," the expert conceded, adding: "I lost my entire harvest of opium poppy seeds to mice last year when I left the pods to dry in the shed."

Those who wish to ensure their soil is in the best condition for future seeding may wish to invest in some cultivators and tillers.

Here at MowDIRECT, we offer a wide range of these machines that are suitable for all purposes and budgets – click here to have a browse for yourself.

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