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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Salvaging crops ‘can be achieved’

Green-fingered enthusiasts who may have seen their crops falter over recent months as a result of the exceedingly wet weather in the UK this summer need not fret, according to an expert.

Author and gardening guru Francine Raymond wrote in the Telegraph that there are a number of tips that could see failing crops brought back to fruition before the year is a complete washout.

She advised that growing fruit and vegetables in outside spaces need not be something that puts a dampener on the summer months, as there are techniques that can ensure crops continue to flourish even in the toughest of times.

These include the installation of bamboo tunnel cloches to keep down predation in order to safeguard plants, as well as the use of soft ties to anchor flailing branches and ensure the elements do not take their toll on fruits.

In addition, gardeners might wish to invest in glazed protectors to cover rows of plants and it is also never too late to stake with hazel pea sticks or spirals that can be fully integrated into established plants.

Ms Raymond added that if the elements have conspired to stop seeds from sprouting, gardeners can still buy ready-grown vegetable and fruit plants from numerous garden centres, ensuring their outside spaces remain abundant with crops for harvest later in the year.

Professional garden and landscape designer Dan Pearson also recently argued in an article for the Guardian that the summer can be one of the most fulfilling times for avid gardeners, even given the unsettled conditions that have typified the year so far.

He claimed that the longer days and – typically – warmer weather means that Brits can get out and about more often, utilising these extra hours to really enjoy their gardens and green spaces.

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