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020 3026 8712

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  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Visual art ‘can inspire a cutting edge garden’

Many different sources can inspire green-fingered Brits to pick up their garden tools and get to work outdoors.

The Royal Horticultural Society's (RHS's) Chelsea Flower Show is likely to be full of many different kinds of spaces that could be a great source of ideas for individuals to recreate outside their own home.

Running every year, the event is one of the biggest occasions on the gardening calendar and there is no reason to assume the 2012 version will be any different.

It could be well worth keeping an eye on, as even more cutting edge designs and concepts are promised than ever before, with themes of visual art expected to be one of the highlights.

For instance, Tony Smith's entry – entitled Green with… – is an installation that uses garden space to explore a range of human emotions.

This is achieved through the use of form and colour, as well as using plants that have a suitable history.

Mr Smith has aimed to represent deep envy associated with desire for another person, so a cage-like structure has been placed in the garden to indicate this.

Silk orchids and white tulips interspersed with ferns are all included in the garden, as they have associations with desire and envy.

Indeed, orchids take their name from the Greek myth of Orchis, which relates the story of how the son of a nymph and a satyr came upon a festival of Dionysus in the forest, but got too drunk and was torn apart for drinking too much.

It would be easy for gardeners to recreate this approach at home with just a little thought as to what certain plants are thought to symbolise.

Everyone knows that red roses stand for passion and have associations with romance accordingly, but there is just as much of a story behind almost every other plant and this is typically associated with their name.

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