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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Look after lawns, plants and hedges in April

Look after lawns, plants and hedges in April
    April is a great time for gardeners to get out of the house and start to sow new lawns – or at least get to work repairing bare patches.

In order to ensure grass is kept trim, it is essential that people get the lawn mower out on a regular basis throughout the month.

Keeping the garden in shape this way can ensure the grass receives enough nutrients and can maintain the sustenance it receives from the soil – although it is important to avoid doing this on a rainy day.

This would run the risk of causing damage to the soil and grass needs a little length to help it retain water – which is a particularly relevant consideration if we get any of the UK's traditional April showers.

It is also a good time of the month to start sowing certain vegetable seeds. This is particularly the case when it comes to root vegetables such as courgettes and potatoes.

Anyone engaging in this activity may wish to browse MowDIRECT's range of garden tillers. These tools are indispensable for this task, as there are many handheld models that can be used to turn the soil between rows of crops and close to the edges of grass patches with ease.

This can also help to keep weeds under control, as they will start to become a problem if this is not done.

Any plants will begin to require more water – and this could be worth planning ahead, as a hosepipe ban is set to be imposed in certain parts of the country later this month.

Some gardeners have been getting around this issue by storing water in tanks by their home, but people who are not able to do this can take action themselves.

For instance, mulching around the base of plants can help them to retain nutrients and moisture and protects them from other risks posed to them by unpredictable weather conditions.

MowDIRECT has a wide range of chippers and shredders on offer that could be ideal for this task and are useful at all times of the year.

Many of these products recycle garden waste into this valuable substance – so it kills two birds with one stone and makes another potentially strenuous activity simpler.

Similarly, it is important to keep plants well pruned, as failing to do so can cause problems with a plant's growth and increases the chance of disease spreading.

Tree pruners are a good idea for those who have a vertical garden or wall climbers – not to say trees themselves!

They come in long handled varieties, enabling gardeners to complete their work from the relative comfort and security of the ground, removing the need for ladders and risks associated with them.

Cordless secateurs are also available for those who need to get down into the hedges to maintain their garden.

Brushcutters are also likely to be a good investment for green-fingered Brits in April, as it is the perfect time of year to get hedges and bushes into the desired formal shape.

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