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020 3026 8712

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  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
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Why not grow some food in the garden?

Why not grow some food in the garden?
    The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is encouraging green-fingered Brits to take to their garden and grow fruit and vegetables.

It launched its annual Grow Your Own (GYO) campaign on Friday (March 23rd) to promote the benefits of gardening for taste.

A series of videos was also launched on the charity’s website featuring celebrity chef Nigel Slater.

In the first of these, he detailed how people can go about growing a container of Mediterranean herbs that can be used in a wide range of recipes all year round.

More general advice is also provided on how to go about successfully nurturing various vegetables.

Garden tillers could be an indispensible tool for those who intend to follow this course of action, as some of the handheld models can turn the soil between rows of crops and close to the edges of grass with ease.

This will ensure the plants can enjoy the best conditions, as they benefit from new and clearly defined borders that clearly distinguish them from the rest of the garden.

Indeed, now is the best time of year to start growing certain vegetables – including beetroots, courgettes and tomatoes, as they will have plenty of time to start blossoming in the right season.

Fertiliser is recommended, but mulch could be a strong alternative for many individuals, as chippers and shredders can be used to create this valuable substance from recycled garden waste.

MowDIRECT offers a wide range of all these garden tools that are well worth having a look at.

Indeed, the RHS suggests making “this the year you add tasty fruit and vegetables to plots and containers in your garden”.

“The GYO Campaign aims to help people grow really tasty produce that they want to eat. Our website will feature seasonal recipes, a video blog from Wisley and great ideas for family activities,” explained curator of the RHS’s Garden Wisley Colin Crosbie.

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