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020 3026 8712

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  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Get the lawn mower out in March

Get the lawn mower out in March
    As the year rolls into March, it is highly likely spring conditions will blossom from the colder winter climate that has been experienced so far.

In practical terms, this means gardeners will have to go about their tasks more actively after a long period of only being able to engage in more limited work.

On dryer days, it is highly recommended people get their lawn mowers out in order to keep their grass trim.

This task is best avoided if there has been rain and the soil is sodden and wet, as this can cause a great deal of damage that is very hard to rectify.

However, if it has had a chance to properly dry out, it is best to use the blades on their highest setting for the first cut of the year.

This month will also be a good opportunity to prepare the ground by seeding or laying turf if the creation of a new lawn is planned.

People who have this task in mind may wish to peruse MowDIRECT’s extensive selection of lawn rollers, as these are ideal for packing down freshly-sown seed or new turf.

It is also advisable to prepare bedding plants that blossom in summer now, as this will give them ample time to establish their roots and grow in time for the appropriate season.

Certain vegetables – such as beetroots, courgettes and tomatoes – are best laid at this time of year as well, with fertiliser suggested to ensure the strongest crops.

New plants such as these are likely to benefit from new, dedicated beds and borders that are kept clearly distinguished from the rest of the garden.

Garden tillers will be indispensible for individuals who intend to undertake this work, as some handheld models can turn the soil between rows of crops and close to the edges of grass with ease.

Mulching is another good idea at this time of year, as it covers the soil surface with nutrients that are very important to growing plants, with the added benefit of protecting them from weather damage or being taken over by weeds.

These unwelcome growths are best dealt with as soon as possible before they get out of hand and indeed, frosts can also still be a hazard in March, but there are a range of solutions for astute gardeners.

MowDIRECT offers a range of chippers and shredders that recycle garden waste and turn it into valuable mulch, so individuals will be able to combine this activity with the task of waste disposal. Some compost is also best kept aside for top dressing containers.

The onset of spring is a good time to introduce a disciplined pruning routine, as it is vital bushes and trees are kept in shape in order to keep a garden looking its best.

Tree pruners will be a useful solution for those who have tall wall climbers, as these allow for the plants to be maintained from the relative comfort and security of the ground, without the need to resort to the dangers of a ladder.

Brushcutters would be a good investment also, as these are effective for seeing to larger hedges.

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