020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Special products to keep the dangers of ice at bay

Winter arrived at last across most of the country at the weekend and while the weathermen say there is little prospect of more heavy falls in the immediate future, ice is now a major problem.
Businesses, schools and local authority sites will be under particular pressure to keep their premises safe and there is a wide range of products and equipment to help.

LNT Magic Ice Melt

LNT Magic Ice Melt

Modern ice melts are far more efficient than the old rocks salt and are preferred by airports across the world.
LNT Magic Ice Melt Original comes in10kg bags enough to cover 2000 sq metres.
It is non-toxic to humans, animals and plants and non-corrosive, is biodegradable and free flowing making it easy to spread by hand and costs £25 for a 10 kg bag.
It is also available in 18.75 kg tubs for £39.95.
If you have a larger area to clear you will need a spreader as well and we have put together a complete ice treatment package suitable for businesses and local authorities which includes a solidly-built spreader, ice melt and a Canadian snow shovel for shifting the remaining snow.
Snow and ice treatment package

Snow and ice treatment package

Our Winter Snow & Ice Treatment Package would normally cost £364.95 if bought individually but the package is available for just £299, a £65 saving.
The MD walk behind spreader has a weatherproof hopper and can carry 80 lb of ice melt.
The flow rate can be adjusted from the handle and the spreading width is up to three metres.
The package comes with ten 10 kg bags of free flowing non corrosive ice melt designed to be used in schools, car parks and forecourts.
With this package comes the special offer of a further 10 10kg bags of ice melt for £200 or 20 bags for £300, substantial savings on the amount you would have to pay if bought individually.
You’ll also receive large Canadian made snow shovel in the package.
Delivery is free the next working day as long as we can get safely to your premises.

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