020 3026 8712

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  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Leaf clearing machines for the small garden

The leaf fall has started now and even if you have a smallish garden they are nuisance.
Not only do they make an autumnal scene a mess in an otherwise tidy garden but they keep the sunlight and drying winds off the soil and lawns.

MD lawn leaf sweeper

MD lawn leaf sweeper

There are some really neat little machines designed for the small garden and we think our own little MD Sweep 26 Lawn & Leaf Sweeper for just £89.95 is the perfect answer for smaller lawns.
And at that price it is £60 less than an equivalent simple leaf sweeping machine.
As you push the machine along the rotating wheels turn brushes to sweep leaves and debris into the collecting bag, so not only can it clear leaves from lawns but it is suitable for most other surfaces as well like paths and drives.
And you can adjust the height of the sweeper which makes it even more versatile.
But often you need a small machine to blow leaves away from awkward corners and on flower beds and the Sanli BEV2400 Electric Blower Vacuum Shredder at just £59 could be the answer.
Sanli electric blower vac shredder

Sanli electric blower vac shredder

With a powerful electric motor it can blow leaves into a pile, and vacuum them up and shred them into a collecting bag.
This little machine has steel blades so that it is less likely to be damaged by harder objects.
It weighs just 2.4 kg and has wheels under the suction tube so that you can use it like a domestic vacuum cleaner.
The collection bag has a 40 litre capacity and there is a strap harness making it easier to use over longer periods.
See the leaf clearing section on our web site for the full range of vacs and blowers which will save you hours of back-breaking work with a tuned rake at this time of the year.

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