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020 3026 8712

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  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Mole explosion “a national problem” for gardeners

Mole explosion "a national problem" for gardeners
    The Indian summer recently enjoyed across the country has seen soil dry and worms burrow deeper, causing moles to spread further for food – creating problems for gardeners.

This has been suggested by Lincoln-based mole catcher Michelle Cassidy, who was interviewed by local newspaper the Lincoln Echo.

She described the outbreak as "a national problem. It's affecting everyone in the UK".

Other pest controllers have informed her of similar experiences and moles are spreading to areas where they have never been seen before.

Ms Cassidy specified this was disrupting cemeteries, golf courses, football pitches and canal banks in addition to gardens.

Current numbers of moles are estimated at being in the region of 33 and 40 million.

Queen Bee, Ms Cassidy's firm, dealt with ten call-outs last week (September 26th-October 2nd), double the number recorded for the same period last year.

A ban imposed on the strychnine poison in 2006 is also attributed to the mole explosion.

Spokeswoman for the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Rachel Shaw warned against labelling the nearly-blind mammals as pests, asking people to consider their options pragmatically.

"Some species can be tarnished with the word pest and people think therefore we should kill them. People should consider deterrents before they call a pest controller," she suggested.

"I think people need to be aware that they do need dealing with, but in a professional and humane way," Ms Cassidy remarked.

Late flowering is another characteristic of the Indian summer and the Royal Horticultural Society recently claimed the phenomenon could become more commonplace as a result of climate change.

Extra warmth and light for plants closer to winter months can make wood and buds more resistant to cold damage, which is an advantage the body claimed the conditions offer.

Gardeners who find molehills on their lawn could address the problem with a lawn roller such as the Einhell BG-GR-57, which is available from MowDIRECT. 

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