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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Broadcast spreader a with dual use

Lawns are growing more slowly now and some are not looking their best after the recent hot weather and a summer of hosting kids at play and barbecues.
So now is the time to apply fertilizers to see them through the winter.

Garden Pride Broadcast Spreader

Garden Pride Broadcast Spreader

To spread fertilizers evenly a good broadcast spreader is needed – and remember that such a machine can double as a salt spreader in the winter when the snow and ice start arrive.
The Garden Pride PSP31503 Broadcast Spreader is on special offer at just £69.95, a full £50 off the recommended price.
Tough and efficient with a corrosion resistant 22 kg hopper it is designed to let you cover large areas with a spreading width up to 12 ft.
It is mounted on a metal frame, has pneumatic tyres and has a comfortable and adjustable handlebar.
Buy this spreader and there are four organic fertilizers you can purchase at the same time all at very competitive prices.
And don’t forget that this little machine can also be used for applying salt to paths and drives in the winter.
But if you need a larger salt spreader Garden Pride also produce a dedicated professional quality spreader for larger areas.
The Garden Pride PSP31520 Pro Salt Spreader will spread salt and grit evenly with a maximum width of 3.65m and a large hopper.
Garden Pride Salt Spreader

Garden Pride Salt Spreader

With a stainless steel frame and a polypropylene hopper it is designed for a long life it has pneumatic tyres and the feed flow rate can be controlled by a lever on the handlebars. And it has a built-in deflector to reduce the spread width.
At £199 this model shows a saving of £150 on the manufacturer’s recommended price.
Agri-Fab Smartspreader

Agri-Fab Smartspreader

If you have bigger areas to treat and own a lawn tractor then the Agri-Fab 45-0463 Tow-Behind Smartspreader could be what you’re looking for.
It can be used for both applying fertilizers and putting down salt and grit in the winter making it a really useful accessory if you have a lawn tractor.
Simple to attach, it has a 130 lb hopper and is based on a tubular steel frame with a polypropylene hopper and is made to last.
And at just £189 it is £70 less that the manufacturer’s recommended price.

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