020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Things to do in your Garden in January: Transporting Garden Waste

Most gardens at this time of year will be feeling the effects of the winter weather and many of your jobs in the garden in January will revolve around clearing up and making preparations for the spring growing period ahead. One of the tasks you’re likely to be involved in is transporting garden waste. Whether it’s freshly cut pruning waste or dead pieces of wood from trees and bushes, the task of clearing up is made a lot easier by having something to transport your garden waste to the area of your garden where the waste is treated or stored. Handy Garden TrolleyHandy Garden Trolley

Handy Garden TrolleyAmongst the most popular items at this time of year are our Garden Trolleys. These great little devices have four pneumatic wheels and can be steered from the front making them simple to manoeuvre and far easier for transporting garden waste then a traditional wheelbarrow as you are not having to lift the weight of the load. The Garden Trolleys we supply will also hold far more than a standard-sized wheelbarrow. If you’ve not come across these for sale before, they are similar to the trolleys sometimes used at garden centres for transporting plants around the grounds. In fact, with our Garden Trolleys you really do get year-round use with them and as well as transporting garden waste at this time of year they can also be used from moving plants between beds for planting or for transporting other items such as logs, garden tools or sacks of fertiliser. Pretty much anything you can think of in fact that you would otherwise have to carry.

As well as the garden trolleys we also supply a range of Garden Carts and Trailers for use with ride-on mowers and tractors. If your able to tow a trailer – your ride-on mower / tractor should have an engine of at least 10hp – we have a wide choice on offer with our Economy Steel Trailer available for under £100 and our larger sized models suitable for transporting loads up to 1500 lbs! Also within the range of garden carts and trailers we supply are some unique push / pull models which can be used for either towing behind a ride-on mower or for pushing in a similar fashion to a wheel barrow or large-sized garden cart.

Dori Powered BarrowFinally, if you have regular loads of garden waste of one kind or another to transport, or find you are increasingly struggling with this task, we sell a range of Powered Wheel Barrows. These motorized barrows take all the hard work out of transporting garden and other waste and are also used for transporting heavy loads from gravel and fertilizer to logs and rocks. They are also great if you keep horses and have stables to muck out and clean.

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