Feider FBT220 Petrol Chipper-Shredder

  • A very high-powered petrol chipper-shredder for heavier-duty domestic use
  • HS steel blades for a faster work-rate and enhanced chipping capacity
  • Large, gnarly branches won’t prove a problem
  • Also suitable for green waste (leaves, hedgecuttings, etc.)
  • Pneumatic tyres for comfortable movement around the work area
  • Dual input-chutes for ease of use
  • High-torque belt-type transmission

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* Please note we do not currently ship to Northern Ireland. Delivery charges may incur for certain postcodes within Mainland UK, The Highlands and Offshore Islands. Products that need to be sent via a pallet may incur further charges.
  • Delivery 2 - 5 Working Days
  • 2 Year Manufacturer's Warranty


Feider FBT220 Petrol Chipper-Shredder

If you’re maintaining a large garden that generates a substantial amount of waste material, the powerful and robustly constructed Feider FBT220 Petrol Chipper-Shredder will prove a real boon!

It’s equipped with two in-feed points: there’s a wide-aperture hopper for the fast and efficient deposition of leaves, twigs and other green debris; and a smaller, cone-shaped chute designed to accept branches up to a hefty 4.9cm in diameter.

The shredding system consists of a series of metal flails, which will reduce that green waste to an easily manageable and highly compostable mulch; the chipping system comprises a flywheel-mounted HS steel blade, which effortlessly turn branches into woodchips perfect for pathways and frost protection.

The Feider FBT220 Petrol Chipper-Shredder features a belt drive that ensures the worst impact an overload can have is a broken belt, rather than the terminal engine damage that can occur with a crankshaft-type drive.

A 212cc OHV-configured four-stroke engine delivers its power quietly, smoothly and efficiently; twin transport-wheels - with sizeable pneumatic tyres - make around-the-garden movement simple.

Click here for four-stroke engine oil.


  • A very high-powered petrol chipper-shredder for heavier-duty domestic use
  • HS steel blades for a faster work-rate and enhanced chipping capacity
  • Large, gnarly branches won’t prove a problem
  • Also suitable for green waste (leaves, hedgecuttings, etc.)
  • Pneumatic tyres for comfortable movement around the work area
  • Dual input-chutes for ease of use
  • High-torque belt-type transmission

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