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020 3026 8712

Opening times
  • Call Weekdays 9am - 7pm (Closed Between 1pm & 2pm)
  • Saturday Phone Lines 10am - 4pm

Metallica garden gives judges cause for thought

Metallica garden gives judges cause for thought
    Flower shows are all about standing out from the crowd. A bit of well-placed clematis can do just the trick. But one gardener had something else in mind.

Arek Luc, 37, was centre stage at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Festival last weekend when he entered his special garden, inspired by Metallica.

Named I Disappear after the popular rock song, the garden was sponsored by the band and contained many references to the classic metal group.

However, the conception also had a more serious meaning. Bordered on three sides by climbing vegetables and trained fruit trees, the plants gradually disappear under the statue of a human figure. The display highlights the plight of allotment land being swallowed up and sold off for new developments.

This innovative design and poignant message caused quite a stir among the public. Judges visited the space three times before awarding it with a prestigious silver medal.

The garden's creator, from Corby in Northamptonshire, was stunned by the accolade: "I hadn’t thought about winning anything because I was just so busy getting the garden built in time for the show opening."

Mr Luc is keen to promote the important message of people losing their allotments to big businesses. Allotments provide key spaces of growth and enjoyment for those who do not have their own gardens.

Mr Luc found the gardening process a very stressful one and worked hard around the clock for the grand unveiling at the flower show on Tuesday July 9th.

However, he also found time to soak in the sights of the event: "It was a very nice experience being able to see all the gardens around us having more details added every day." Arek is now studying garden design with KLC School of Design in London.

The Hampton Court Palace Flower Show is open to the public until July 14th and is hosted by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Rock down to this very special attraction to see this important piece of metal history!

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